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Hello, Beautiful Minds,

I am Eshita Singh, hailing from Varanasi and currently residing in Jaipur. While my professional life led me to the role of a Manager at the State Bank of India, my heart beats for writing—a passion inherited from my grandfather, the late Dr. Shivprasad Singh, himself a writer.

Beyond the confines of my banking career, I find fulfillment in various pursuits: as a writer, a motivational speaker, a tarot card reader, and a volunteer at the Isha Foundation. These diverse avenues bring me solace and peace, allowing me to make a difference as a change-maker.

In my intimate family circle, I am blessed to share my life with my husband and our 11-year-old son, Abhyuday. I cherish the opportunity to visit schools and colleges, engaging with students on topics close to my heart.

I am genuinely excited to connect with you and learn more about your journey. Your thoughts, questions, and experiences matter to me. As a writer, I cherish the opportunity to interact with readers like you. Whether you have a query, want to share your insights, or simply wish to discuss anything under the sun, I am all ears.

Feel free to reach out to me at my email id Let’s embark on this journey together and explore the wonderful world of literature and beyond.

Wishing you loads of literary Adventures




 Dear Readers 

I hope you all are doing well in life. I want to share the reason why I wrote this book. Explore the endless possibilities and keep polishing your strengths. Self-love is the foundation of our strength. Self-love is the first step towards a spiritual journey. It is the basic necessity that allows us to live life in the most dignified way and discover our true potential and soul purpose. Self-love is a prerequisite for leading a happy life and happy relationships. Self-love is the basic foundation to attract unconditional love in our life. We deserve to be loved. Self-love is a beautiful relationship with ourselves. 

“Self-love: A journey of true compassion” is a small effort to entertain you and bring out the message of self-love. Always remember. YOU are a Hero: A true champion, in your journey of life. The journey of YOUR beautiful life, which YOU have lived, and no one else. You have more potential than you can imagine. 

You can send and share your feedback and views to my mail ID- eshitasingh07396@g. 

Happy Reading 

With love Ishita



Ever felt like your mind is a mischievous monkey, swinging from one thought to another? It’s a bit like that – unpredictable and sometimes even tricky. But don’t worry, you can be the boss of your mind, just like a ringmaster in a circus. By paying attention and finding smart solutions, you can tackle the challenges your mind throws your way.
Have you ever found yourself feeling unusually overwhelmed, anxious, or even numb, wondering if something might be off within you?
Emotions are like the colors of our inner world, painting our experiences with hues of joy, sadness, excitement, and more. Yet, just as a canvas can become chaotic if the colors aren’t balanced, our inner world can also tip into turmoil when emotions become imbalanced.
Now the most difficult part. How to connect with your soul? This is where the complications begin.
Many people often become so engrossed in other pressing matters that they wrongly believe the understanding of this subject is limited to saints and spiritual leaders only.
When you have known the importance of balancing your body, mind, and soul, neglecting your soul is certainly a bad idea.
Taking care of oneself is the most vital aspect that contributes to our self-improvement journey. Self-care is a journey that begins when we genuinely commit to looking after all dimensions of ourselves. This involves nurturing our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Our body is akin to a temple where numerous essential tasks and functions occur, playing a crucial role in achieving our life’s purpose.
Writing this book is my endeavor to offer insights drawn from my personal experiences and research, aimed at guiding and motivating readers to prioritize their holistic health.
My journey towards health and fitness began in my childhood, and it was further strengthened post-pregnancy when I managed to reduce my weight from 89 kg to 63 kg within 18 months through mindful dietary choices.
Drawing from these life-changing experiences and my unique perspective, I felt compelled to share my insights with others. If I could bring about transformative changes in my life by nurturing holistic health, I believed anyone could.


Nowadays, parenting is different from the past, especially with all the social media and technology. Kids today have more resources, but the memories from the ’90s, without all the tech stuff, were really special and valuable. Technology can be good or bad for kids, like a double-edged sword.
Parenting is like going on a rollercoaster ride—it’s full of surprises, and you never know what’s coming next. It’s even more unpredictable than a rollercoaster because, with parenting, you can’t guess what will happen next; you just do your best, and the rest is in the hands of the Almighty.
Every parent is unique, just like every child is unique. Every child has their special qualities, and so do parents. This book celebrates the wonderful adventure of parenting, acknowledging that each parent is doing an amazing job. It’s all about the special bond between the parent and child.
I hope this book holds the potential to deepen the connection between parent and child, enriching lives in ways beyond measure.

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